Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dictionary definition of a Christian

Chris·tian  (krĭs′chən)
1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus, especially in showing concern for others.
4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

There you have it the definition of Christian. So what I don't get is why 99.95% of people run around talking about how they are a Christian, are blessed, and a child of God when they don't live a life based on the life and teachings of Christ. They are always rejecting scripture that points out their sin and refuse to be judged by God ( as if that's going to stop Him ). They don't display or have any of the qualities or characteristics of Jesus. They don't want to hear about or talk about anything Jesus says in the Bible. They don't do anything God says to do. Now according to the definition of Christian, a person who says they are Christian should have some godly mannerisms. Was Jesus a drunk? Did Jesus cuss, and slander, and gossip about people? Did Jesus steal? Was Jesus a fornicator or adulterer? Was Jesus a liar or murderer? We all know he WAS NOT! So why are these false Christians saying they are like Christ? I don't get it. Just because God loves doesn't mean we can do whatever we want and get away with it. You know seeing that God created the heavens and the earth, and the animals, and the trees, and the mountains and the oceans, and created people, breathing life into their spirits, I know for a fact that God can cleanse a person from their sins. I know for a fact that Jesus Christ can change the desires of my heart. Surely Jesus can keep us from the sin that he suffered, bled, and died to pay the penalty for. You just don't want to stop all the evil you are doing and you don't think there is anything wrong with the wickedness you are wallowing in. You like how you are & you don't care that it's bringing spiritual death & corruption into your life. You can just stop saying you are a Christian if you refuse to repent or keep making excuses as to why you can't do what God says. People are not stupid, they talk about how much of a hypocrite you are behind your back because they know that a person who truly knows Jesus would not be doing dirt and evil. I am just not afraid to tell you to your face that you do not represent my Lord because my Lord is not a liar or a thief, or a drunkard, or an adulterer, or a fornicator, or a murderer, or a hateful person, and he is not capable of any unrighteousness or evil.

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